country girl

美 [ˈkʌntri ɡɜːrl]英 [ˈkʌntri ɡɜːl]
  • 网络乡下姑娘;乡村女孩;乡下女孩
country girlcountry girl
  1. Betting against a country girl .


  2. She was a dull-looking country girl .


  3. I 'm a simple country girl .


  4. She turns into a sweet country girl surrounded by family , chickens and a bucolic landscape .


  5. This , for a country girl , is a very good prospect .


  6. Do you call yourself a raw country girl ?


  7. How you do run on teasing a country girl like me .


  8. What country girl wouldn 't know about gathering wheat stalks !


  9. The country girl was simply dressed .


  10. A pleasant country girl waits on me .


  11. Aiya ! He must think me a silly country girl newly come to the city !


  12. " Among so many well-dressed and cultured people , the country girl felt like a fish out of water . "


  13. The country girl gathered some firewood .


  14. The country girl stood by the road , mesmerized at the speed of cars racing past .


  15. She is the merest awkward country girl , without style or elegance , and almost without beauty .


  16. She 's an ingenuous country girl .


  17. My loitering at the edge of the city from taking a number of urban women habits , but also did not put country girl symptoms .


  18. You wonder that Miss Lane could not find someone more genteel than a little country girl to assist her in her office .


  19. They blamed themselves for this unfortunate marriage.If Angel had studied at Cambridge he would never have become a farmer and married a country girl .


  20. Although she is a country girl from Ishigaki , Okinawa , Rimi 's music has the power to heal wounded hearts and souls .


  21. if I sacrificed all that , I would be sure of finding a country girl who was at least pure ... but ... but I should not accuse you . "


  22. She had heard from Mrs Crick that Mr Clare had spoken of marrying a country girl to help him farm , milk cows and reap corn .


  23. Sister Carrie is the story of a poor country girl full of desires who becomes " a fallen woman " in the city and rises to success as an actress ;


  24. And do you know why I left her ? How could I be so narrow - minded ! I left her because I discovered she was not the pure country girl I thought .


  25. Why had he scorned the country girl and why did he now pursue the married woman ? She would rather listen to his brutal rejection than to new pleadings .


  26. In Why Not Her ( 1926 ) directed by Bu Wancang , she acted a country girl , for which had her named a " tragic Empress . "


  27. Another publisher offering Christian chick lit is privately held Random House whose Broadway imprint will release " Emily Ever After " in July , the story of a country girl coming to New York .


  28. Few people aren 't familiar with the Brothers Grimm 's Cinderella , a fairy tale about a kind-hearted country girl who endures mistreatment at the hands of her cruel and jealous stepmother . The girl never loses hope or becomes jaded by her circumstances , and eventually she wins the heart of a dashing prince .


  29. I came to your country as a little girl . I know your people . I have lived with them .


  30. With her beguiling looks and easygoing charm , Faith Hill often comes across as country music 's proverbial girl - next - door .
